This guide only lists choices with a dialogue option that rewards bonus points. In fact, you practically have to - as there’s no way to opt-out of romance - romance just happens as you rank up. In Persona 3 Portable, you don’t need to worry about dating multiple people, either - there’s no penalty for dating multiple people. This Social Link is exclusive to the male protagonist, and additionally is a romance option.

On this page, we list all dialogue that has a material effect on your relationship, where choosing a certain option will endear Chihiro to you and rank up the link more quickly. Persona 3’s S-Link system sees rank ups controlled by an invisible number that rises as you spend time with each character - but if you say the right things or give the right gifts, you can earn bonus points that make things go quicker. This guide to the Persona 3 Portable Chihiro S-Link exists to help you to navigate the relationship in an efficient and spoiler-free way. This guide will help you to make the right dialogue choices to advance the relationship quickly & efficiently. You can also date Chihiro, if you want to get romantic.

As with all of the characters in the game, boosting your S-Link level with Chihiro will reveal more of her story, and also unlock bonuses when doing Fusion to create Persona of the Justice Arcana which Chihiro represents.